Ashley is a leader on the team
Ashley is a leader on the team

By God’s amazing grace I have found favor with the basketball team and their coaches.They have invited me to be a part of their game day program. They have asked me to come to their locker room 15 minutes before the “shoot around”  and lead them in a team chapel. This move was initiated by the students. This is completely optional, and yet for the past 4 weeks they have all come to every one of my chapels.

On the team there are two seniors, no juniors, three sophomores and eight freshmen. Ashley, is one of the seniors and has been the one with whom I have coordinated to have the team chapels.

Joshua 1:9 and a cookie
Joshua 1:9 and a cookie

It has been such a privilege to have this special time with these girls. I care about them, and I am proud of them. On the last road trip I even baked some cookies for them and included Joshua 1:9.

The coaches have been very supportive too, and have welcomed me to their team meal on game days.  So I sit through their one hour practice and help with rebounding before I head off to join them

in their meal. God has certainly given me grace and favor in their sight. I am so thankful.