When I found out a year ago that Sam had signed to play golf for Southern Oregon University, I approached him to see if I could help him to get to know Jesus, grow in this faith, and understand how he could integrate his faith in Christ with his passion for golf. His willingness to meet with me showed his maturity and earnestness. I did not know where Sam stood personally in his faith. We studied the Word together and explored how his faith could impact his life and sport.

At a recent tournament the coach gave me a chance to speak to the whole team (pictured above).What a privilege to share Jesus Christ with these young men and help them to understand that the total athlete is one who is strong mentally, physically, and spiritually. Things are going well on campus with 40 student athletes coming to our weekly meetings from six different teams.

By God’s grace, we are able to take the message of Jesus to places where it is so desperately needed—to the campuses, to the sports fields, to the young men and women who are searching for meaning and hope. We’ve seen the Lord change lives, just as He’s doing with Sam, and we believe He has so much more in store.