As soon as a ball is placed on the field, people start to gather. It’s like they come out of nowhere. No matter where you travel, sport is the international language spoken by all.  Sports bring people together like nothing else especially in this area of the world so filled with political, ethnic and religious turmoil. It is opening the doors for people to hear about Jesus! 

I started coaching Nicolas last fall when he was selected to become our “NAMESTAN” Area Director. We are so excited to have Nicolas give leadership and help open up new countries for the ministry and the spread of the Gospel. Since Nicolas was born and raised in Lebanon he is well know and well respected in the area. The Lord is using him to help reach the youth with the Gospel in the most unreached area in the world. 

It has been a blessing for me to coach Nicolas and be a part of his success in ministry. You are making a difference! Often when we pray together, he prays in his own language. It is so visionary and powerful to hear him praying in his own language and know that the Holy Spirit hears us both and is at work among us.