I  wake up every morning and wonder who’s next

What happens when you pull together 40 of our staff from throughout the nation for three weeks of training? A lot of great things! 

I just finished leading this training and everyone was equipped and inspired, but a personal takeaway for me from this time was to rewrite my “why” statement. Why do I do what I do? Why am I passionate about seeing Jesus transform the lives of college students and raise them to be laborers to help fulfill the Great Commission?  

BECAUSE:  Jesus changed my life and I wake up every morning and wonder who’s next.

Since coming to Oregon, we have friendships with so many unchurched people. This has been a great opportunity for us to bring the gospel where the gospel is not … whether it be on the college campus, in a grocery store, or even on a golf course.

Two weeks ago, Susie and I had a scare while we were playing in a competition against another couple. The gentleman, started showing symptoms of a stroke, but wanted to keep playing. His wife, Susie, and I were all very concerned about him.  Finally, after about an hour, he said he needed to go home. Susie asked him if I could pray with him, so the four of us huddled up together on the 7th green and I prayed. Afterwards, in his own way, he felt he needed to say something about the significance of my prayer for him. He said “that was the best shot of the day.” That might have been the first time anyone had ever prayed for him.

Our friend saw his doctor right away,  and was sent to the hospital. After several hours they determined he had a mini stroke and was sent him home with a heart monitor.

His wife has been telling others what happened, including our praying for him on the 7th green.  Even though this family may not yet embrace Jesus, they were so thankful that we cared and prayed for them. What she was doing reminded us of the woman at the well in John 4.  We wonder how this shared experience will open up doors  for future gospel conversations.

Consider Matthew 9:10-13 where Jesus said after receiving criticism from the Pharisees, “it is not those who are healthy who need a physician, but those who are sick . . . I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

Lord, help me to see people as you see them, as downcast, and as sheep without a Shepherd. 

Jesus continues to change lives!

Thanks for helping to make the “who’s next” a reality.