For the Gospel to Go Where the Gospel is Not

each red dot
represents a new AIA staff person that I and my team trained, and where they
 were placed.

Nathan Burak was a wrestler while at Iowa. A three time All-American and ranked third in the nation his senior year. Jesus got a hold of his heart and has since joined our staff. I had the privilege to train him and now he is back at Iowa reaching this generation of Iowa athletes.

Elijah Blackman played basketball at a college in Florida. He came to Jesus and I had the privilege to train him and he now serves as an Athletes in Action staff in Colorado. Here is how Elijah put it in a recent text to me. “For a long time I wanted God to use me to pour into the lives of athletes and coaches. As a former collegiate athlete and then as a collegiate strength coach, I have seen the transformative power of God through sport. It is now my vision and passion to be used by God without reservation to change the lives of athletes and coaches through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” 

Over the last two years we have learned the strategic effectiveness of using Zoom video calls to reach more students with the Gospel and then send out more missionaries in the Harvest fields. I host Zoom calls all week long to train our staff nationwide. It is such a joy to see the Lord send out missionaries across the nation to reach this generation with the Gospel.