Bengals Linebacker becomes Bengals Chaplain

Mentoring Vinny Rey as he came on Athletes in Action staff to become the Bengals NFL chaplain has been one of my highlights over the past few months. Vinny came to the Bengals undrafted from Duke in 2010 as a strong Christian who desired to reach his teammates for Jesus Christ. He eventually became a starter for the Bengals and played for 8 seasons before retiring in 2018. Last year, Vinny was approached to take over as the NFL chaplain for his former team. 

You can imagine all the questions and training a young NFL player would have as he becomes a full-time minister of the gospel! It was a pleasure to have the opportunity to get to know Vinny and his wife, Noel, and to see their heart for the Lord. Noel, has also joined our AIA staff and is leading Bible studies with the players’ wives. 

As I write this, I do not know who will win the game between Kansas City Chiefs, and my home town Cincinnati Bengals. One thing I do know, though, is that Vinny will be standing before the Bengals players during their team chapel on Saturday night, and will be pointing them to Jesus. Vinny has shared his heart to want to be someone to lead everyone he has a relationship with to Christ eventually. 

In my ever-expanding national role with AIA, it is my pleasure and privilege to help raise up Christ-centered laborers who have an even greater reach to the world for Jesus Christ. These NFL players that Vinny is reaching for Jesus will have a huge influence with people who might never set foot in a church in the years to come. This is not just my story, this is your story too.