Jenna: Xavier Cheerleader heads to University of Cincinnati (her rival school)

Jenna came into a relationship with Jesus through the AIA ministry at Xavier. I (Susie) have led her in a Bible study. She led her teammates in a Bible study. She was a student leader for us at Xavier. She has gone on AIA mission trips and even interned on an AIA mission trip.  She is now a full-time nurse at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and engaged to be married!  She is a follower of Christ and a great example of a disciple who is devoted to growing in her faith and desiring to walk with Him.

She is now the AIA leader at the University of Cincinnati (after helping us last year lead the ministry there).  She got the official status as “affiliate” so she can be fully empowered to resource the AIA ministry on campus.  Even though she cheered for Xavier basketball against the cross town rival Cincinnati Bearcats, she is now reaching Bearcat athletes for Jesus Christ.  The kick off meeting was last night, with 20 University of Cincinnati students attending.  Please pray for Jenna and the students at UC.  May God move to bring many students into His Kingdom! We are so proud of Jenna, and her not letting a little rivalry keep her from reaching the world for Christ.

Jenna has become all things to all people so that by all possible means she might save some.

(That’s a reference to 1 Corinthians 9:22.)