Becoming All Things to All People So that I might Save Some

Jason and Annie

Jason is a Basketball Player at Xavier University

Jason is a grad student transfer from Ohio University.  He came to campus as a follower of Christ who desires to make a difference on his team and at Xavier so that more will know Christ. He has been faithful to our all our discipleship times. He has added to, and benefited from, our gospel community as part of our “Action Group” leadership Bible study. Please pray for Jason’s impact!

Annie is a Soccer Player at the University of Cincinnati

Annie is a sophomore at the University of Cincinnati who is already leading a Gospel of Luke Bible study (using AIA material she found on-line) with six of her teammates on the soccer team. She is absolutely thrilled that there is going to be Athletes in Action on her campus.  She and Susie submitted an application to the University for AIA to be recognized as an official organization at UC.

I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some.

1 Corinthians 9:22

While spending much of our time at Xavier, we are also beginning to spend time during each week to help reach student athletes and coaches at UC. It has been fantastic! Over the last couple of weeks we have spoken to 5 teams on these two campuses, exposing close to 150 athletes to Jesus. Sometimes we have to keep in mind what we are wearing as we drive from the blue of the Xavier campus to the red of the Cincinnati campus.  (On those days we will wear a more neutral Athletes in Action shirt.)

Student athletes from both campuses need to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. So in effect, just as the Bible verse above said, we are seeking to becoming all things to all people, so that by all possible means we might save some.