Reaching College Athletes for Jesus Throughout Cincinnati

Meet Scott Fortier

He is a new assistant swim coach at the University of Cincinnati.  Before that, Scott was a student athlete who helped to lead Athletes in Action during his years swimming at Alabama. It is so good to have Scott in town. 

We will be partnering with the Cru staff at UC this fall to help us reach out to the athletic department. Pray for coaches who will allow us to speak to their teams and for students who are hungry in their faith and desire to grow spiritually to make an impact on their teams and their campus.

Meet Ashton Burke

He is a sophomore basketball player at Mount Saint Joseph college. Last year Ashton was attending some of our student leadership meetings at Xavier and towards the end of the year he told me that he’d like to see AIA start at MSJ. He set up an appointment with the Athletic Director. I came along for encouragement.  The Athletic Director gave his endorsement to allow Ashton to start AIA at “The Mount” this fall. We hope in the next couple of weeks to meet with each of the 24 athletic teams to find out who might be interested to hear more about Jesus or start a team Bible study. We are so thankful and excited to see how the Lord will work to reach out to these over 400 student athletes.

Please be in prayer for favor with the coaches to allow us to meet with their teams and for open hearts of the students. We plan to give support to Ashton with volunteers and some of our athletes from Xavier.


Susie worked hard over the past year to complete the third year of her graduate level seminary classes so she could fulfill Cru’s requirement. They call it “IBS” which stands for the “Institute of Biblical Studies.” A highlight for Susie was taking a Wheaton College graduate class called “Bible in Ministry.”   She says that she feels much more prepared to lead and teach the Scriptures.

Please pray for us as we seek to reach college athletes throughout Cincinnati, and the world, with the Good News of Jesus Christ.