NCAA Women’s Golf

NCAA Regionals

I was sitting in the hotel lobby at Suncadia Lodge when I saw two women walking out through the back door.  I felt led to follow, and headed toward the fire along with them.  I recognized one at once, it was the Oregon State coach.  She looked at me and said, “Would you like to join our team for s’mores?”  Within ten seconds 5 girls came bounding out with bags full of marshmallows, Hershey’s chocolate, and graham crackers.  They handed me one of the long skewers, and I tried unsuccessfully to lightly brown, not burn, my marshmallow. 

I thought to myself, “She doesn’t know who I am.” She hadn’t answered very positively when I emailed her in March about visiting her on campus.  She said she’d rather not meet with me, she wants her player’s spirituality to be found outside of the golf team. But here she was, inviting me into her time with her team.

This is the photo the coach accidentally sent to me.

A moment later, she figured out who I was. She took a photo of her team roasting marshmallows, and she was trying to “air drop” the photo to her assistant, also named “Susie” when my name popped up on her phone.  I said, “That’s me, I’m Susie.”  She put two and two together, yet she continued to invite me to be a part of the conversation as she debriefed the day’s round with her team.

I have personal connections with many teams. One, for instance, is the University of Washington coach. She and I played junior golf against each other in Oregon.  When I followed her team during the practice round she enthusiastically introduced me to her players.   After the round they sat with me and we had a great discussion.  The University of Oregon coach, Derek Radley, and I have become friends.  He is new to that position.  Last year he was the assistant coach at the University of Arizona, where I played my college golf.  Earlier this spring, he had met me on the Oregon campus, and through that conversation, and further interactions, he has demonstrated to me his strong faith in Christ. At the Regionals, he also enthusiastically introduced me to his team. Only one of his players made it to Nationals, her name is “Scavo”, and she remembered meeting me when I played in the 2018 Oregon Amateur Championship.

Leading a Chapel for the Tournament

We were able to study Mark 4:35-41 where Jesus calms the sea.  I attempted to show the young women a ravishing view of Jesus and concluded with: “Hope does not depend on what’s happening around your boat. Hope depends on who is in your boat.”

National Championship in Arkansas

This was a collection of the top 24 teams from all four regionals, plus some individuals.  I had amazing access to the coaches, players, and their parents during these rounds.  Nervous parents were starting conversations with me in every group: “Which team are you with?”   This was an excellent opportunity for me to share who I am and what I do.                                                   

One person asked me, “Are you here recruiting?”

 I chuckled, “Yes… for Jesus.”

One exciting opportunity was after Scavo had finished an amazing round and her father asked me,  “Susie, would you please pray with me and my daughter, so we can give glory to God.”  I said “Yes,” and then I turned aside and invited anyone else behind the 18th green if they wanted to join in. Coach Radley was among those who came to join us as we circled, and then I led the group in prayer.