What does it mean to be in Christ?

Getting to the media room early today I asked for some help to wheel in the big whiteboard. Instead of diagramming plays or listing aspects of the practice, today the big whiteboard had a life-giving verse written across the top in big letters.  Today was different for that board. Today was different for me. As the players entered I grabbed my pen and began to diagram Romans 6:23 in what we call the bridge illustration. You might even notice some of the players in the photo below holding their own copy of the diagram on a card. It is a clear visual representation of how Jesus has bridged the gap between us and God through His Son, Jesus. Let me know if you would like for me to explain it to you too!

“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

We circled up for prayer, then the team ran off for their pre-game meal. All except for one of the players. He asked me privately, “but what does it mean to be in Christ?”  I love questions.  I know that God’s Spirit is beginning to work in a life when they start to ask questions.  We talked briefly due to his time constraints, but a few days later it was a pleasure for me to bring along another one of our student leaders to share the gospel with this young man. The questions are still coming!!

It has been so encouraging to have a couple of solid Christians on the team this year.  They are challenging their teammates to live for God and showing them what it means to walk daily with Jesus according to His Word.

The photo above shows Mark leading the team chapel a few hours before Xavier beat Villanova.